Where my child protection responsibilities come from.
The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
States that “Providers must have and implement a policy, and procedures, to safeguard children. These should be in line with the guidance and procedures of the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). “
Working together to safeguard children 2018
What I mean by child abuse
I understand that child abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, neglect or a mixture of these.
I recognise that disabled children can be more at risk of abuse .
Abuse can include peer on peer abuse and can also include bullying as well as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – If I suspect this I will follow my safeguarding board procedures and report it.
My responsibilities under the Barnsley Safeguarding Children board Child Protection procedures
In any situation where I am concerned that a child might be at risk of abuse, my first responsibility and priority is towards the child.
If I have concerns about a child’s safety or welfare, I will follow the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures.
I will keep child protection concerns that could identify a particular child confidential and only share them with people who need to know this information.
My responsibilities if I have concerns that a child may have been abused
If I notice:
Significant changes in children’s behaviour
Deterioration in their general wellbeing
Unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse
Signs of female genital mutilation
Any comments made which give me cause for concern including extremist views and concerns regarding the Prevent duty.
I will implement the local Safeguarding Children Board child protection procedures without delay, (including the Prevent strategy) to minimise any risk to the child.
I will keep a factual record of my concerns, report them to the local children’s social care duty desk and follow this up in writing within 24 hours.
I will discuss my concerns with the child’s parents / carers / guardians and let them know the action I have taken, providing it will not put the child at risk.
The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage also requires that I let Ofsted know of any concerns that I have reported without delay.
It is not my responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation.
My responsibilities if a child tells me that they or another child may have been abused.
If I think a child might be telling me that they or another child may have been abused, I will:
Show that I have heard what they are saying, and that I take their account seriously.
Encourage the child to talk, but not prompt them or ask them leading questions. I
will not interrupt when a child is recalling any significant events and will not make
make a child repeat their account.
Explain what actions I must take, in a way that is appropriate to the age and
understanding of the child.
Write down what I have been told using the exact words where possible.
Make a note of the date, time, place and people who were present
Report my concerns immediately to the children’s social care duty desk.
Responsibilities of parents / carers / guardians
Parents / carers guardians must notify me of any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child, which will be recorded.
How I will deal with complaints about poor childcare practice or allegations of abuse in my childcare setting
If I receive a complaint I am required to investigate it and provide a response to the complaint within 28 days (see complaints policy).
If I receive any allegations that I, a member of my family or my assistant have harmed a child in my care, or may be an unsuitable person to look after children, I am required by the local Safeguarding Children Board child protection procedures to report it to Ofsted and the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) as soon as is practically possible, who will ensure that a proper investigation is carried out. I will follow their advice.
In all instances I will record:
The child’s full name and address
The date and time of the record
Factual details of the concern, for example bruising, what the child said, who was
Details of any previous concerns
Details of any explanations from parents / carers / guardians
Any action taken such as speaking to parents
How I protect myself / family / assistant from allegations
Everyone living , working or regularly visiting the premises, have all had relevant CRB/DBS checks and have been passed by Ofsted as being suitable adults to be around children.
Any students who come to work at my setting for work experience – are cleared through the college and have full suitability checks from the college and I induct the students fully in safeguarding, whistle blowing and other policies
I do regular training including first aid, safeguarding, food safety and risk assessment.
I keep records of any accidents in my setting.
I keep records of any existing injuries children arrive with and explanations given.
Children are not left unsupervised and in the event of me being called away in an emergency I will arrange suitable emergency care.
I keep my insurance up to date.
I do regular checks on equipment and toys and do risk assessments.
I keep within my allowed child / carer ratios as set by Ofsted and displayed on my certificate of registration.
I keep detailed records of any medication to be given to children while in my care.
Mobile telephones, cameras and internet .
I will at times take photographs of the children in my setting .These photographs will be used in the children’s records and diaries, for displays in my setting and for on my facebook page and to share in e mails or messages with that childs parents. .Photographs posted on my facebook page will not show faces. I will only take photographs of children whose parent’s carers have signed a permission sheet to allow this. Photographs will not be shared elsewhere without the parent’s written specific permission.
When the photographs have been printed and/or shared with parents and are no longer needed I will delete them. Printed photographs no longer needed will be shredded before being disposed of .
Children in my setting are not allowed the use of the internet independently .
I may use the internet with them for example when looking up information but this is done jointly and under very close supervision .
Visitors to the setting are not allowed to take photographs and are asked not to use mobiles in the same room as the children .
A child’s right to protection will always take precedence over a parent / guardian / carer’s right to confidentiality.
I have read through this policy and understand the contents. I have received a copy to keep in my records. This safeguarding policy consists of 3 pages.
Signed…(parent / carer / guardian )………………………………………..date……….
Print name………………………………………………………………………………
Childminders signature……………………………………………………date……….