

All medication will be stored safely out of reach of the children. If it is a prescribed drug it will be used only for the person named on the label. Any medication MUST be in its original packaging and clearly labelled with your childs name. I will not exceed the stated dose on packaging under any circumstances.

If your child needs medication while in my care I will need written permission for this. A medication form must be filled in prior to administration including dosage and times or a letter provided which includes childs name , name of medication , what it is for , time and dosage to be given .

I will keep written records of any medication given and parents will receive a copy.

I reserve the right to refuse to give medication. The parent / carer would be told immediately and a reason given. If a child refuses to take medication I cannot force them to do so. In this instance I would inform the parent / carer as soon as possible.

I will access training if needed to administer medication for e.g. in the case of an Epi pen.

                                           Calpol / ibruprofen permission.

I will only give either of the above if the form below is filled in and signed by the parent / carer of the child.

I will only give the amount indicated by the parent on the form.

This MUST be within the dosage amount indicated on the bottle for the age of the child

This medication will only be given if I feel the child is in need of pain relief or in the event of the child having a high temperature .(in this case parent / carer will be notified to collect the child as soon as possible.)

If this medication is to be given less than 4 hours  after the child arrives I will first contact the parent / carer to make sure the child has not had any previous to arrival.

I will keep a written record of medication given and parent / carer will receive a copy or I will e mail or text details with time and dose.

Signed (childminder )……………………………date…………

I give permission for the childminder to give calpol / ibruprofen for the reasons named above as long as the conditions above are met.


Signed (parent / carer )………………………… date………