

Children’s safety when in my care is an absolute priority.

My premises are checked by Ofsted at each inspection and meet the Welfare requirements for childminders.

I carry out risk assessments and safety checks regularly and any problems highlighted are dealt with quickly.

It is a legal requirement that as a registered childminder I must hold a valid first aid certificate.

I can administer basic first aid treatment.

I have a first aid box easily accessible. This can be found on top of the freezer in the kitchen.

I hold written permission from parents to give basic first aid if needed and to seek 

Emergency treatment for their child if necessary 

My planned emergency procedure

If there is an accident/emergency I will –

*make sure the other children are safe, reassure the child who has had an accident and do a quick assessment of injuries.

*if it is something I can deal with I will administer basic first aid, again making sure the other children are safe 

(This may mean strapping a younger child into a buggy or sitting older children down safely where I can see them.)

*if I decide I can not deal with the injuries I will get help. I will ring 999.

*if I have to go with a child to hospital I will either contact my back up cover (see below) or take the other children with me. If neither of my back up cover persons are available and I cannot take children with me I will leave the children with another responsible adult.

*I will contact the parents of the injured child as soon as possible.

*In the event of a threat from someone or something outside the premises i would place the area into lockdown . locking all doors and windows and obtaining help by calling 999  if needed .

If there is an accident or emergency and the other children have to be left with my back up cover you will contacted and asked to collect your child as soon as possible.

Accidents will be recorded on an accident form and in my accident book. You will be asked to sign a form and you will receive a copy.

I will inform parents of any accident needing first aid as soon as possible even if it is something I deal with myself.

If I have an accident I will contact my back up who will help until I can contact parents and they can collect their child.


Amanda Bell …Registered childminder

Louise Kemp …Registered childminder


I ……………………………authorise my childminder………………………………… and childminder………………………………… to administer first aid assistance to my child / children as and when needed. 

I also authorise the above to, in the event of an emergency, seek medical / hospital assistance in my absence as appropriate.

I agree to update you regularly with relevant contact details.

I understand that the above named persons will not be able to authorise any treatment and that I as the child’s next of kin will be contacted by the medics in the event of an emergency to give permission. 

I understand that in a life threatening situation the medics will act in their professional capacity.

I have read and understand this Emergency / accident policy.

I give permission for the named back up people (or another responsible adult in an extreme emergency where back up can not help) to have my contact details for use in an emergency.

Parent / carers name………………………………………………………………….

Parent / carers signature…………………………………………..date……………..

Childminders signature……………………………………………date…………….