

I will always do my best to work in partnership with parents/carers to meet the needs of their children.

If ever you are unhappy with any aspect of my service then I hope you will bring it to my attention either verbally or in writing or e mail.

I would work towards resolving the issue through frank and open discussion.

I must investigate all complaints . 

How I would investigate the complaint would depend on its nature. I will either investigate it myself or pass it on to Ofsted to investigate.

You will be notified of the outcome and receive a written copy of the complaint and outcome within 28 days.

I will keep a written record of all complaints. These will fall under my confidentiality policy. Please note the records of complaints will be available to Ofsted inspectors.

Records will include

*Name of person making complaint

*Date and time and the way the complaint was made

*Nature of the complaint

*Action taken

*Outcome (ways the service has been improved because of the investigation)

*A copy of the record of complaint and findings given to the person who made the complaint

I will also provide a summary of the complaint, investigation and actions to improve my service to show to other parents / carers in my care.

This will not include the name or any personal details of the person who made the complaint.

Records will be kept for 10 years.

If you need impartial advice with regards to making a complaint you can call the Pacey information line on 0300 003 0005 

If the complaint cannot be resolved or is of a serious nature and you feel you cannot discuss it with me you should contact Ofsted on 0300 1231231

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St Ann’s Square


M2 7LA